What We Do

Concept Evaluation

Name Research

Brand Image & Positioning

Communication Evaluation

Innovation Evaluation

Design & Packaging Research

UX & XD Research

Usage & Attitude Studies

Brand Diagnostics

Consumer Needs & Motives Evaluation

Product Test

Children & Youth Research

Lifestyle Research
Social Responsibility
Domestic Violence
Renewable Energy
Fairness & Equity
Other Topical Issues
Qualitative Research is how we started. We already carved a niche for ourselves as the only Specialist Qualitative Research Consultancy in Nigeria for, at least, a decade prior to embracing Quantitative Research, Strategic Consulting and Workshop Facilitation.
Diving beneath the surface to unveil the unconscious Consumer Mind is our core strength. We are passionate about each Project that we take on. The Project practically becomes us; our rich experience and probing skills, coupled with our rich bouquet of projective and enabling techniques get you the Consumer and Marketing Insights that you need to make the right decisions and stay ahead of competition.

Quantitative Research collects and analyses numerical data and enables the discovery of averages and patterns, predictions, testing of causal relationships and the generalisation of results to wider populations.
Our Core Quantitative research capabilities include:
Computer-Assisted Web Interviews (CAWI).
- We share a link and the interviewee follows the Script on the online survey platform provided.
Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI)
- CAPI facilitates the process of collecting face-to-face data by leveraging technology
Central Location Test (CLT)
- Concept Test
- Product test
- Packaging test
- Sensory test
We also do Social Research to understand knowledge, attitude and practices as regards diverse socio-cultural issues as well as public opinion on current societal and public affairs issues of interest to both Government agencies & Non-governmental organizations.